2 Ingredient WW Brownies

One of my greatest downfalls to living a heathy lifestyle is my sweet tooth. I get terrible cravings (especially when the Red Devil comes around) for dessert and have visions of sugar plums dancing in my head constantly. I can resist chips and salty snacks, but put a cake in front of me and I am a goner.

Since I started WW Freestyle, I have been on the lookout for healthier alternatives that wouldn’t cost many of my daily points. I used to make a pumpkin poke cake by combining pumpkin and cake mix. I tried it with my favorite brownie mix and loved it! These WW brownies have a fudgey texture and satisfy my need for chocolate. The best part is, I don’t feel guilty for eating them.

These two ingredient WW brownies are incredibly easy to make and there is very little cleanup. They make about 22 servings at 4 points per brownie.

I highly recommend using Betty Crocker brownie mix. Of all the different brownie mixes on the market, I find Betty Crocker to have the best flavor and is always moist. I also recommend using the one-time use foil cake pans. The foil helps the brownies bake evenly so that there no burnt edges.

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WW Freestyle 2 Ingredient Brownies
two ingredient brownies
Course Dessert
Course Dessert
two ingredient brownies
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Spray pan with nonstick spray. This will give the pan even coating without using a high-fat grease. Also, feel free to sprinkle some cocoa powder in the bottom of the pan if your brownies tend to stick.
  3. In a mixing bowl, combine pumpkin and brownie mix
  4. Using a hand mixer on slow speed, mix the pumpkin and brownie mix until smooth. As the mixture combines, feel free to slightly increase the spead.
  5. Pour mix into pan and smooth with spatula so the top is even. I also use the drop-on-the-counter method. Since this batter is very thick, you may need to lightly tap the bottom of the pan onto your counter to help evenly spread the mixture. This is not recommended for glass pans!
  6. Bake in oven according to the instructions on the box. I personally love a slightly fudgey brownie, so I tend to start checking on mine between 5 and 10 minutes before the recommended time. I test with a toothpick and once it just about comes out clean, I pull it from the oven. If you like a more baked consistency, make sure the toothpick is fully clean before removing from the oven.
  7. Allow brownies to cool before eating. This allows them to set.
  8. If you would like, you can sprinkle you favorite powdered sugar alternative (like Swerve) on top for some added sweetness.
Recipe Notes

Although I recommend Betty Crocker mix, this can be used with any brownie mix. Be sure to scan your box and adjust your points. Feel free to try some of your favorite mix-ins. I am thinking about adding some shaved coconut or sugar-free chocolate chips for added texture. If you give this a try, let me know what you think in the comments below. I would love to hear your feedback and any recipe suggestions for the future.

2 thoughts on “2 Ingredient WW Brownies

    1. Hi Crystal! You can certainly make them in a 13×9. I personally prefer an 8×8 because I like my brownies thicker. These come out a bit dense, similar to a fudge consistency, so with the thicker brownies, you really dont need a large piece. You could also cut into 14 pieces for 6 points. What’s great is you can adjust to your taste. The recipe, as is, is tailored to my preference of the fudgy brownie. You would just adjust the cooking time accordingly based on what is said on the brownie box if you prefer a bigger pan.

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